Science and Christian theology 3: Models, analogy, prediction

Alister McGrath, 2016. Enriching our vision of reality: Theology and the natural sciences in dialogue. London: SPCK This is the last of three posts on McGrath’s book. The second is here, the first here. Chapter 7, ‘Analogies, models and mystery: representing a complex reality’, looks further at the use of analogies and models in both […]

Science and Christian theology 2: Imagination, evidence and theory construction

Alister McGrath, 2016. Enriching our vision of reality: Theology and the natural sciences in dialogue. London: SPCK This is no. 2 of three posts on McGrath’s book. The first is here. Chapter 5 centres on the similarities between theology and the sciences. McGrath begins by remarking that our mindset, the framework through which we look […]

Science and Christian theology 1: The relationship between them

Alister McGrath, 2016. Enriching our vision of reality: Theology and the natural sciences in dialogue. London: SPCK This is the first of three posts on McGrath’s book. McGrath’s intention in this book is to show that the relationship between Christianity and science is different from the one presupposed by the ‘Science vs Religion’ standoff. Science […]