For Pip: A not so short history of the New Testament

Unlike the Old Testament (see my previous post), the books of the New were written over less than fifty years. The earliest was perhaps Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, written in 48 or 49 AD, and the last was Revelation, written around 95 AD. The history of the New Testament raises two important questions. First, […]

For Pip: A short history of the Old Testament

Recently my daughter asked me what I knew about the history of the Bible—not history in the Bible, but how the Bible came to be written down, how it was put together, and how it reached us. So this post and the next are dedicated to you, Pip. And I soon realised that I didn’t […]

Old Testament violence: Greg Boyd

A review of Gregory S. Boyd, 2017, Cross vision: How the crucifixion of Jesus makes sense of Old Testament violence (Minneapolis: Fortress). Shortly before this book was published, Greg Boyd published a massive two-volume scholarly work, The crucifixion of the warrior God: Interpreting the Old Testament’s violent portraits of God in light of the Cross […]

The Revolution 7: What happened on Good Friday? Romans 3:21–26

Seventh post on N.T. Wright, 2016. The day the revolution began: Reconsidering the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion. London: SPCK. The previous post (The Revolution 6) in this series on Tom Wright’s book is here. The day the revolution began is divided into four parts, and this post is an attempt to summarise much of the […]