The Revolution 0: The day the revolution began

What did Jesus accomplish on the cross? A personal introduction to Tom Wright’s The day the revolution began. I read N.T. (Tom) Wright’s book The day the revolution began: Reconsidering the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion (London: SPCK, 2016) shortly after its publication, then realised I hadn’t quite grasped what Wright was saying, so early this year (2017) I read […]

A thought at Easter: Jesus’ shout of abandonment

About the ninth hour [3 pm] Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”—which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matt 27:46 (NIV); also Mark 15:34 (NIV: At the ninth hour…) Jesus’ shout of abandonment is a double challenge. It challenges us first and foremost because it communicates […]