Paul: A biography: N.T. Wright — a short review

One might expect a review of a book with this title to be written by an expert on Paul, but this isn’t me. A quick glance at the Amazon page for this book shows that it has attracted a large number of reviews, many by non-experts, and that they range from substantial praise (a majority) […]

The Revolution 7: What happened on Good Friday? Romans 3:21–26

Seventh post on N.T. Wright, 2016. The day the revolution began: Reconsidering the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion. London: SPCK. The previous post (The Revolution 6) in this series on Tom Wright’s book is here. The day the revolution began is divided into four parts, and this post is an attempt to summarise much of the […]

The Revolution 6: What happened on Good Friday? Romans 1–8

Sixth post on N.T. Wright, 2016. The day the revolution began: Reconsidering the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion. London: SPCK. The previous post (The Revolution 5) in this series on Tom Wright’s book is here. The day the revolution began is divided into four parts, and this post is an attempt to summarise the fifth chapter, […]

The Revolution 5: What happened on Good Friday? Paul’s letters

Fifth post on N.T. Wright, 2016. The day the revolution began: Reconsidering the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion. London: SPCK. The previous post (The Revolution 4) on Tom Wright’s book is here. The day the revolution began is divided into four parts, and this post attempts to summarise the fourth chapter of Part Three. This is […]