Genetics, Genesis and a philosophical gap

Dennis R, Venema & Scot McKnight, 2017. Adam and the genome: Reading scripture after genetic science. Grand Rapids MI: Brazos Press. I’ve just read Adam and the genome. A Google search shows that it has stirred up much dust in the USA, and there are extensive reviews of it (e.g. here and here) and a […]

How God became King

I’ve referred once or twice in this blog to N.T. (Tom) Wright’s 2012 book, How God became King: Getting to the heart of the Gospels (London: SPCK).  What follows is a brief review I wrote for a book group I belong to. The book has a similar theme to McKnight’s The King Jesus Gospel, but […]

Thinking about life after death

I’ve just turned 75, so perhaps that’s why I’m more curious than I used to be about life after death. Recently I came across Scot McKnight’s 2015 book The Heaven promise: Engaging the Bible’s truth about life to come (London: Hodder Faith; synopsis here). That reminded me that in 2010 I had read Tom Wright’s […]