The Revolution 0: The day the revolution began

What did Jesus accomplish on the cross? A personal introduction to Tom Wright’s The day the revolution began. I read N.T. (Tom) Wright’s book The day the revolution began: Reconsidering the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion (London: SPCK, 2016) shortly after its publication, then realised I hadn’t quite grasped what Wright was saying, so early this year (2017) I read […]

Thinking about life after death

I’ve just turned 75, so perhaps that’s why I’m more curious than I used to be about life after death. Recently I came across Scot McKnight’s 2015 book The Heaven promise: Engaging the Bible’s truth about life to come (London: Hodder Faith; synopsis here). That reminded me that in 2010 I had read Tom Wright’s […]

N.T. Wright’s understanding of Jesus

N.T. (Tom) Wright is a favourite theologian of mine. I appreciate his approach to the New Testament. He is a historian by training, and he researches the background to the New Testament writings punctiliously in order to cast light on what the earliest Christians believed, on the principle that their beliefs should inform the faith […]